Glass Garden
Terrariums are works of living art, lush worlds cradled within glass walls. Use care to cultivate and protect your fragile environment.
Caring for a terrarium takes time and energy, even without a pesky critter chewing on your hard work! Take care of your freshly-planted succulents by moving them around to develop the resources they need. As the critter advances, it wreaks havoc on your miniature garden. Limit its damage while still growing your plants as high as you can manage to earn the title of Master Gardener!
In Glass Garden, your garden consists of eight plant cards (and one of four possible critter cards) bounded by glass cards to create a 3x9 grid of spaces. On each turn, you can move up to two plants vertically and/or horizontally to form bundles of resources in fertile zones, the areas where two rows meet. Each plant needs a different set of resources to grow out of the soil, but once those needs are met, they can be flipped to their grown side to provide additional resources, while also immediately triggering a useful ability. Plants grown along one of the edges also flip the neighboring glass card to its sunlight side, granting the player additional moves at game's end. Lastly, the critter moves one space to the right, then damages specific plants in your garden, lowering them by one row. Once the critter reaches the far wall, the game ends. Take any sunlight moves available, then score points for each grown plant's height to find out whether your terrarium is a dirty dud or a thriving masterpiece.