Sagrada Artisans (Kickstarter)

Sagrada Artisans (Kickstarter)

  • $74.99
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What's in the Kickstarter Edition?

The Kickstarter edition contains everything in the standard edition, and includes some bonuses that won't be available later:
  • - 3 additional sets of colored pencils
  • - Custom Pencil Sharpener
  • - Promo Unlock Envelope "Y"
  • - 1 of Window Booster Pack II by Geek Orthodox (in the box)
  • - Red, Yellow, Blue, Green, and Purple Legacy point stickers
Note: All editions include 1 of Window Booster Pack I

Sagrada: Artisans is a legacy game take on the stained glass window game Sagrada. Players will compete as rival families of stained glass artisans, who work on the Sagrada Familia's windows over the course of generations. Players will gain powerful new abilities over the course of the campaign along with brand new tools. Other gameplay details about the new game are relatively sparse, but the game involves a spiral notebook and colored pencils instead traditional game boards.