Dungeon Bowl: Subterranean Blood Bowl Mayhem

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Dungeon Bowl is back – BIG TIME. Fans of a certain vintage will fondly recall this madcap game of subterranean sports mayhem, but if you’re not familiar, Dungeon Bowl is Blood Bowl played in cavernous, winding dungeons, arranged by the eight Colleges of Magic. The wizards put mixed teams together for their own amusement, and make the rules – and magical traps – as chaotic as possible for maximum carnage.

Dungeon Bowl casts you as the coach of a team of players from one of the eight Colleges of Magic.

Plastic components.

14 College of Fire Miniatures
  ‣ 1 Ogre Blocker
  ‣ 1 Ogre Runt Punter
  ‣ 6 Gnoblars
  ‣ 1 Dwarf Runner
  ‣ 1 Dwarf Blitzer
  ‣ 3 Dwarf Blocker Lineman
  ‣ 1 Troll Slayer
12 College of Shadows Miniatures
  ‣ 3 Skaven Clanrat Lineman
  ‣ 1 Skaven Blitzer
  ‣ 1 Skaven Thrower
  ‣ 1 Gutter Runner
  ‣ 3 Dark Elf Lineman
  ‣ 1 Dark Elf Blitzer
  ‣ 1 Dark Elf Runner
  ‣ 1 Witch Elf
  ‣ 6 Chests
  ‣ 6 Portals
  ‣ 1 Spiked Ball
1 Rulebook
2 Quick Reference Cheat Sheets
2 Dungeon Bowl Dugouts
6 Double-sided Token Boards
16 Dungeon Tiles
36 Dungeon Bowl Door Tokens
14 Dice
3 Plastic Templates

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